
J. Weed


whoah-whoah-whoah-whoah (x4) 
you know it's always on my mind 
the best is always hard to find 
you know it's always on my mind 
I only like my favorite kind 
I just want to forget where my afternoon
went but I have to remember today all 
I want and all I need is just another pound of weed 
so I can go inside and play 
you know it's always on my mind if 
I stop I will go blind 
you know it's always on my mind 
it gets me through the daily grind 
I just want to forget where my afternoon 
went but I have to remember today all 
I want and all I need is just another pound of weed so 
I can go inside and play 
whoah-whoah-whoah-whoah (x4) 
you know it's always on my mind 
can't you see it in my eyes 
you know it's always on my mind 
I'm running low on my supplies 
I just want to forget where my afternoon 
went but I have to remember today 
all I want and all 
I need is just another pound of weed so 
I can go inside and play 
whoah-whoah-whoah-whoah (x4)