Like in the first battles Of the before-earthquake age, The war between humtec and the rest of mankind was for the territory, No religious or economy systems failed. The greenhouse effect Had submerged a lot of earth area. The weather control Createing a new stratum between the tropospher and the stratosphere Became so necessary after the battle The war was so fast The constant human investment In the atomic weapon development Throught the mankind existance, Brings antidote, To the final humtec key to obtain the victory The humtec introduce new particles Using the stratosphere runnings Putting Artificial molecules unites in ozone Fading and blackening the planet. At the first sight the over violet light refuse, was used to control the glas of the polars. After the few ciclic stations The controlled fading of the planet is another repressive mesure To control us all. Like in the first battle of the before earthquake age No religious or economy We system failed The war brings antidote to the final humtec key to obtain the victory