Mr. azn and mrs. azn Please listen to these sentences so you can learn the differences Between an asian and an azn An image you be livin' so please give in for a minute. Mr. azn and mrs. azn Please listen to these sentences so you can learn the differences Between an asian and an azn An image you be livin' so please give in for a minute I need to take a vacation From fake asians Escape to the ancient land and learn some patience To make a plan against a made up land Enter secret asain man The solution not alone the distribution of the message be spread On a phone or by word So long as the word is heard So hear these blazing rhymes About these days and times And be sure to please rewind So that every syllable Is rendered feelable Buckle your seat belt Because your about to enter the vehicle Of subconcious rage as a youth mainly Brought by these or rescouces On the playground to them we were all chinese Slant eyes and ching chong People i know your hearing this So we murdered our sterotype of conservative nerdy kids By furthering our minds into delusions And help this new sterotype Into reaching completion