Shadow north Mark a path for me to steer clear of If peril had a shape, it would be yours Shaped only spite and strain So stake your claim You’ve forged confusion You’ve fed me well Unnerving to leave port Venture out in gale force winds I look to stern and waver Yet set final sail for the clouds That shake the old horizon Shadow north Chart a course for me, straight and narrow For searing tempests charge and lash out at my sight And howling currents tear at the marrow You’ve forged a broken blade You’ve fed me well Unnerving to leave port Venture out in gale force winds I look to stern and waver Yet set final sail for the clouds That shake the old horizon Spoils of lawless lands lie squandered, given to the sea Wasted enmity Given up the ghost that rendered me spineless, wilfully Wasted enmity Fury upon me, frozen to the sea Woe is me Unnerving to leave port Venture out in gale force winds I look to stern and waver Yet set final sail for the clouds That shake the old horizon Unyielding, unwavering Headstrong in gale force winds I look to stern no more And find my white whale shaped in the clouds Of my new horizon