


Tom: F#

-Transcribed by Chris Myhre. Version 1.1 Feb 2000 (ver 1.0 Dec 99)
-For questions, corrections, etc email me: *
-For best print edit the left/right margins in page setup to make the tab fit the sheet
-Tuning: C (1:C, 2:G, 3:D#, 4:A#, 5:F, 6:C)
-Notation legend: h = hammer-on; p = pull-off; . = palm mute; ^ = semitone
 trill; / = slide up; \ = slide down; ~ = vibrato; " = tremolopick; * = see note
-Note that the tuning on this song can be a bit confusing. Especially in riff B
 and the succeeding riff where it sounds like the 6th string is slightly above C.
 The tuning is C anyway, but if you try to play it together with the song on the
 album it might sound a bit out of tune some places...

   riff A                              * gtr 2 plays octave
1>|gtr 1 & 2-----------------------------1st time only----x2--------------------------
                         _____ ______
  ----------------------| 1   | 2   x2------|---------* gtr 1 joins here 1st time---
  -----------------------5h6-5-------|riff A|------------------5\444/55-------------

          _____ ______   gtr 2 (harmonizes)
  -------|1,3  |2,4  x4--gtr 1-------------------------------------------|

                                                               gtr 2 harmonizes with 5th's
                                            __________ __________2nd time then the octave
  |----------------------------------------|  1-3     |  4      x4-riff B---------------x4

                           ______ _______ (when gtr 2 plays this part, gtr 1
  |gtr 1 x4---------------|1(,3) | 2(,4) '-still plays the previous part)--x2
  |gtr 2 x2------------------------------'----------------------------------'

  (the two first times gtr 2 plays this part, gtr 1 plays
  previous part and joins the two last times)
  '---------------------------------------------x4-gtr 2 (harmonizes)----------------------'
  '----------------------------------------------'-gtr 1-----------------------------------'

  '-----------* don't play this--x2-(w/lead)--------------------------------'
  '-------------note last time----|-----------------------------------------'

  'gtr 2 (harmonizes)'-----x2----------------------------------------------------
  'gtr 1-------------'------|----------------------------------------------------
                                      ________________________ _______________________
  --* gtr 1-|--------------* gtr 2---|   1, 3                 |    2                  '
                      . .                                            . .    . .
  '             4                                                  x4-----x1
  '-------------1--2--1-----1---------------------------------------|riff B|