


Tom: F

-Transcribed by Chris Myhre. Version 1.0 Mar 2000
-For questions, corrections, etc email me: *
-For best print edit the left/right margins in page setup to make the tab fit the sheet
-Tuning: two steps down (1:C, 2:G, 3:D#, 4:A#, 5:F, 6:C)
-Notation legend: > = let ring; b(r) = half bend (and release); ~ = vibrato;
 . = palm mute; /\ = slide up/down; * = see note; h = hammer-on

  |gtr 1--* gtr 2 plays--x2--gtr 1 & 2----------------x2------------------------------
  |---------chord only----'----------------------------|------------------------------
   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

                                   play entire riff two times   *-> only x1 last time
                                 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  -----------------|--* exclude these-----------------------------------------------x2
  -----------------|----chords 2nd time----------------------------------------------|

  |---------5-----5--------'---------8-----8-----------------8-----8--------| entire
  |------4-----------4-----'------------------7-----------------------7\----| riff x2
   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


  |w/lead 1 & 2-----------------------------------------------fade-out|

   lead 1 gtr 3, higher notes gtr 4

                                    lead 2 gtr 3, higher notes gtr 4              fade-out