Worthy is the lamb who was slain Worthy is the lamb who was slain The weight of sin and shame on him was laid We sing worthy is the lamb! Holy is the lamb who was slain Holy is the lamb who was slain His love and justice met and our ransom paid We sing holy is the lamb! There is no other, there is none higher Jesus your name is bright and glorious You’re the king of kings, we worship You God be exalted, shining forever We join with saints and angel chorus: Worthy is the lamb! Risen is the lamb who was slain Risen is the lamb who was slain He trampled over death and rose again We sing “risen is the lamb!” There is no other, there is none higher Jesus your name is bright and glorious You’re the king of kings, we worship You God be exalted, shining forever We join with saints and angel chorus: Worthy is the lamb! To your name, to your name be all blessing And honor, glory and power and praise To your name, be all blessing and honor Glory and power and praise To your name, be all blessing and honor Glory and power and praise To your name, be all blessing and honor Glory and power and praise There is no other, there is none higher Jesus your name is bright and glorious You’re the king of kings, we worship You God be exalted, shining forever We join with saints and angel chorus: worthy is the lamb!