Canibal Coast Stopit Moonlight no roaning waves Dont Swallow me up so roughly Swaying to the beat , not even listening at time. Dont Levae It Up to my body now.. A situtaion where you want it And Warnings are ignored but , if we are gonna make an ideal deed a slow pace is useless feel it once more the surging black shore are washing and sweeping away are not cocktail lights just fine? Look out¡ surrounded by clouds I see in the sky Pleasent limitations and Your HEart Beat Let it take effect , let yourself get hoocked on love is falling in love a must? If Im captivated Is not that good enough? to put into words is sensless¡vulgar¡ shall we step up the libido and go? One summer day is colour right now could be the crest clear brightness everywhere thrilling waves and winds and habits and... Rain and A rough sea , The two of us have come quite far out onto(into) if I Glance over there , at my side Ripples