August Burns Red

Speech Imediment

August Burns Red

Tom: A

Guitar 1. play 23 times; (0:00-about 0:18)


Guitar 2. play 20 * after the the forth lick guitar one plays(there isnt 
easy way to play this; this is the most comfortable position i could come up with)

|-5p3-----------|(0:03-about 0:18) both:|------------------|(at about 0:18-|
|-----5h6-------|                       |------------------|  |------------|
|---------------|                       |------------------|  |------------|
|---------------|                       |--pick-slide-down-|  |-8\---------|
|---------------|                       |--pick-slide-down-|  |-8\---------|
|---------------|                       |--pick-slide-down-|or|-8\---------|


Post Intro:

Guitar 1. Play 14 times then pick slide down at about 0:28


Guitar 2. ( 0:18- about 0:29)

     x x x x              x x x x         (both guitars)



Both * 3 times (0:30-0:43)

  xxx     xxx                                    x

Verse 2:

Guitar 1. play once (0:43.5) low volume


Guitar 2. play once (0:44)


Both Guitars. play 4 times (0:45-1:08)

  x xxx x  xxx x x x x    x xxx x  xxx x xxx x x


Verse 3:

Guitar 1. play twice (1:09-1:20)


Guitar 2. play twice

  x      x      x x

Verse 4: (1:21-2:05)

|----------10----------10----------10-12h10-12p10- 18(8x)-17(8x)-------------|
|-0-0-0(Guitar II 4x)-------------------------->8888-8-8888-8-8888-8-8888-8--|
  x x x                                         xxxx   xxxx   xxxx   xxxx

 xxxx      x x x


Guitar 2. play * harmonize with Guitar 1 at 7(9x)=(1:33)



Both Guitars. play twice



Guitar 1.

|-------------------------|repeat 4 times then |-----------------------|
|-------------------------|                    |-----------------------|
|-------------------------|                    |-----------------------|
|-0h3h5-0h5h7-0h3h5-0h7h8-|                    |-7h8-0h5h7-0h3h5-0h2h3-|
|-------------------------|                    |-----------------------|
|-------------------------|                    |-----------------------|

Both Guitars. (Guitar 2 starts at 2:17, Guitar 1 is represented by "o" for open
a side note:this is confusing as hell)

  xxxx xxx x x x x x xxxxx x xx xxxxxxxx xxx x x x x xxxxx x x x x


Chorus. (2:49-3:13)

Guitar 1. (2:49-3:02) play 18x with the first 2 w/low volume.


|--------------|(16x,8x,4x,4x) |-------|(16x,9x)
|-10-6-5-6-----|               |-10----|
|--------------|               |----7--|
|--7-3-2-3-----|               |--7----|
|--------------|               |----5--|
|--------------|               |-------|

Guitar 2.(2:50-3:13)


     x x x x          x x x x          x x x x          x x x x


Breakdown II. (3:15-3:32)

Guitar II. (3:15-3:24)

  xxxxxx x xxx x x x xxx     xxxxxx x xxx xxxxxx x xxx xx x xxx

Both Guitars. (3:24-3:32)

  xxxxxx xxxxxx x xxx xx x xx     xxxxxx x xxx xx xxx     xxxxxx x xxx

Breakdown III. (3:32-4:0)

Guitar I. low volume

  x xx xx

Guitar I and II. play twice

  x xx xx         x xx xx        x xx xx   x x x           x x x x



Guitar I and II.

  x xx xx x xx xx x xx xx x x x           x x x x

This is my first tab so go easy on me guys..haha...just did'nt see any accurate tabs for this
great song, so I thought I would go ahead and tab it out.....Don't worry about the
Breakdown...I'll have that done in a day or two...and the song is called speech impediment..I
was tired..and the editor wont let me correct crap