Eleven! Wielder of the Trident Torch Eradicator of the finite forms Serpent bearer, serpent seed Destroy the cosmic illusion Fire-crowned king Burn all to ash Holder of the keys to liberation Venom of God, open eyes of fire! Mistress of the black moon Snatch away the Sons of Adam Mother of tears, weaver of enchantments Let us follow your ladders of ascent! Eleven masks made to shift throughout time Centuries pass in thoughtless divinity Spiritual enlinkment brings forth the Elevenfold curse The heads of Azerate and their formless essence Bearers of the black light! Activating points of magical altercation For the liberation of the spirit Throne seal, seat of power builds foundations Throne seal, angle key - point of power Oh seeker of the other side Communion will bring Fullfilment upon this path of thoughtless fire The formulae of the Qliphoth Is emanated and destroyed To Naught