Saturnarian, master and wielder Of the bloody scythe This work of malediction This work will close all paths A black coffin Filled with murder's soil Focusing motives Causing wrathful frenzy And conjuring the odor of hatred Seven nails, charged with the poison of death Glowing with magical will Malicious intent drives nails through rolling meat Candles are burning at cardinal points Blood is poured from my chalice upon your makeshift grave Bleeding to death Stab wounds and whip marks Inflict your soul Lord of Death! Saint of killers, be now by my side And bless these death-dealers' rites By the power of the shadows of the black cross It is done! Offerings are served Prayers of smoke Left hand extends over your grave Invocation flattening the soil Above thine enemies Seven steps away And leave without turning back Seven steps away And leave without turning back