Armymen on TV, salivating Discussing tactics, almost masturbating Cannon fodder - it's a Gulf War volunteer Gonna die in the desert for the sake of a rich emir They toasted peace in 1989 But the cold war colonels are peddling a brand new line: Blood for oil (x4) Saddam was a friend, a good pro Western man When he gassed the Kurds and the teenagers of Iran Yankee, French and Soviet arms to order And a British supergun stopped at the Turkish border ‘Yeah, we'll give you the recipe for hell.... Just keep your hands off Texaco and Shell..' Blood for oil (x4) And when he marched into Kuwait what did the papers say? Did they talk about the arms dealers who helped him on his way? No, he's the Hitler of Baghdad, that's why we're off to war But just like Hitler, he was Hitler all those years before When the West put him in power And business kept him in power... A German chemical firm called IG Farben Still trading, renamed Bayer Leverkusen Made Zyklon B to exterminate the Jews And lots of shit that Saddam liked to use Now profiteers and hypocrites combine And half the world is in the firing line.... Blood for oil (x4)