Koan psy atman Who underneath his ragged robe Jealously does knowledge guard He knows and understand all And every one of the philosophies The be upon the world of men And the universe of matter His books are full Of riddles and rhymes That show the knowledge Thought and wisdom He did gather While he grew and while he learned And which he did compose Into his great development His wicked riddles be Unmistakably the fruit Of his pure asceticism And of his talent great Perplexed be those Of whom they are asked And more so still Be those that hear the answer For they do crystallize And immeasurable transcendence And a path full of straight Although not easy towards atman And they may hinder and perplex Your very madness If they be revealed to you Within his passages of confusion By the fruit of his writing Are thou directed towards atman He belongeth to the psy atman And among us shall remain Covetous of his treasure No readings shall he lend thee Unless under the sign of atman To him thou doest submit This our world Koan entered by his reason With greatest joy was he filled with the harmony With in atman we do enjoy here in our abode And as his cause be certain and be true One day he laid aside life, flesh and desire For doubtless he did choose the way That one day all of you perforce must choose As the black fire that emerges from his writings Like and immense sea of loving hearts He feels bound to the condition In love his ego fell 'i want no more to human be, nor ever breathe again Nor feel my heart like a hunk of flesh' Thus the voice of his rebellion That once emerged to then prevail Thus is he a psy atman Of cult and of reason The lord he is of knowledge too Of thought and also wisdom