
And The Psychic Saw


Tom: G

                                        "AND THE PSYCHIC SAW"
                          on "Unquestionable presence" CD

Trascription by NegativE 

Well, this is what I call a BITCH; I play this song with my band, so the
transcription was already on my mind, I just had to write it down... easy,
don't you think?
I don't. Actually, I absolutely do not.
It took me two days to write it down, so enjoy it at all costs, OK?

Note: since the 2nd guitar doubling is one of the most important things in this
song, I chose to write it on the same tab together with the 1st guitar, to 
improve readability (readingness? readusable?), instead of writing another
silce of tab apart... I think this looks, and reads, way better.

Oh, by the way: since I write modules for PC demos too(did anyone of you
ever heard of Soft One's demo "Tempesta"? We were at Assembly '94), I composed
an XM module with the drum base of this song, perfectly done in my opinion.
So, if you would like to have it (to play the song at home, or God only knows
why), let a message in my email, I'll send you the XM. 

Watch out for other tabs from me soon!! Bye!

Tune Down a wohle step

.  - palm mute                                                  
/  - slide up to                                                   
\  - slide down to                                           
~  - vibrato                                                    
h  - hammer on                          
p  - pull off                             bendings are noted aside of the note
t  - tap with finger                            f - full bend    h - half bend                                                              
( )- second guitar                                                  
---(6----6-6-5)-|-to end (to gong :-) )-------------------------|

That's it. There sould be no mistakes; if you find some, please mail me!