
A Jamais


Some memories are so deeply printed in my brain
That they have never ceased to exist
I would rather have left all of them at burials
And then consider a less destined dire fate

I was suddenly forsaken, weaned and excruciated (sic)
And couldn't get that feeling out of me

I had put my trust in them...

I should have learnt (sic) earlier life
In order to be warned about the other side of the coin
I should have lived all these memorable and addictive moments
From a more distant view

Just because no lesson will ever tell you
How to avoid these sharp glass-scraps drilled

So hurt yourself, fall into the grave
Buried by your fellow ones and re-emerge stronger
But don't think a single instant
That you were built up better than your challenged neighbour

Your creator has followed the same recipes
Engraved on the stonework of rotten ideals
Written by a congregation of idealists
Believing that moral order will ever remain on earth
And convinced that hell is a place isolated from earth
Where only evil dead men are thrown
Our curse is here and every human
Can experience its burning flames at every single moment

So look behind you, always mistrust people around you
And put barriers wherever you have to
Don't hesitate to spit at theirs (sic) faces when required
Or ignore them like squashed dead animals
But never forget to watch from the distance
And never complain about your unfair misery

A jamais, nous serons condamnés à emprunter
Ce chemin tourmenté d'amères déceptions
Ces leçons de vie ne feront que nourir
L'eau létale qui abreuve notre ineffable aversion

Et cette conscience béante alimentant
Les bons sentiments solidement suspendus à l'abîme
Damnés, exilés ou graciés,
Non prières ne nous ouvriront aucune porte vers les cimes