
Tuff We Tuff


Tuff we tuff 
Nuff it nuff 
All the pains 
We're feeling 
Tuff we tuff 
Nuff it nuff 
All the things 
We see 
Tuff we tuff 
Nuff it nuff 
All the pains 
We're feeling 
Tuff we tuff 
Nuff it nuff 
And nothing's 
Here for free 
Nine to five 
I can hardly survive 
In this existence 
I man now got to stay alive 
This ya situate 
Oh Lord they find it hard 
I say 
They pay you just enough 
On Friday 
Getting you back there 
On Monday 
Tuff we tuff 
Nuff it nuff 
All the pains 
We're feeling 
Tuff we tuff 
Nuff it nuff 
All the things 
We see 
Tuff we tuff 
Nuff it nuff 
All the pains 
We're feeling 
Tuff we tuff 
Nuff it nuff 
And nothing's 
Here for free 
Nine to five 
I never could survive 
In this existence 
I man now find redundant times 
Standing here 
Waiting in the labour queue 
It just blows my mind 
Cos they don't pay you enough 
Then they tell you this, 
Then they tell you that again 
In this ya situate 
Oh Lord how must I survive 
In this existence 
Every man now got to stay alive 
In this ya situate 
Oh man they find it hard I say 
They pay you just enough 
On Friday 
Getting you back there 
On Monday 
Tuff we tuff 
Nuff it nuff 
All the pains 
We're feeling 
Tuff we tuff 
Nuff it nuff 
All the things 
We see 
Tuff we tuff 
Nuff it nuff 
All the pains 
And misery 
Tuff we tuff 
Nuff it nuff 
All the things 
We see