Another stab Another stab to the wound Insanely gory tool steads To the face and aims rectum Pregnant i want kill So repugnant i couldn't stop hate When pray Waiting human plague Sanguinary view or passion I'll eat that baby Pregnant killed Insolent women here At the park Splashing another flavour A rot tissue Tumor in the conjuctive tissue Throughout a consuption By sanguine and lymphatic tissue Terrible flagele At umbeallychal chord Damaging leucocites and hemacies Feotu's mutation contraction Dead in placent place Can be felt Suffering into her face Got by my butchery Groan ceased Savoring into the face I hear sound when I punch dead on bellye Inside out i pull it To the fever of god To the happy of the devil Now is going to be Put in trash Insanely aborted Excreted Tortured in the kill Of butchery followed Twisted tissues Holder of knife Has gory cut To beneath at her ass Visceral laceration Desperate and thrills Crawling now a woudless A bloody tyrany Retailed excretd feotus In peaces The act the maniac's Kill Lost and killed Aborted dead living Suffer form me the devil Wanted abortion followed your tissues