A lonesome freighter Daring the naval blockade On course to Great Britain Lending invaluable aid About to round Cape of Good Hope Steady cruising hulk Ferrying unstable cargo Hazardous liquid bulk Drifted away from its convoy No longer secured The skipper's taking precautions Mariners on high alert Dangerous waters Rumors of wolf packs Double the watch All hands on deck Beneath the surface Unchallenged, unseen Nearing silently The dreaded submarine Ready for combat Undetected machine All stations standby Increasing sunken GRT Engines stopped Boat lying still Periscope view In for the kill Target set Unknowing tanker Torpedoes launched Angriff, Ran, Versenken Fatal impact Rupturing holds Thunderous detonation Igniting black gold Fractured carrier Spewing burning oil Doomed, helpless sailors The ocean starts to boil Along with their ship They all went down Perished in the blaze Choked, scorched, drowned Unsung seafarers Hideous deaths Endlessly enshrined By remote, obscure depths