Krushing at the Party San, hear the hordes rejoice Filth to feed the Vermin, 'n beer to oil the voice We'll beat your eardrums useless, and tie you on the Rack Bones and nerves are grind to pulp, we are fucken back Again we set the standards, get the message clear Leave the fucken stage bitch, no room for you here Mercy won't be given, as we enter our domain Endlessly you'll suffer, on the altar of pain Merchants of brutality, death our only rule The doctrine of true metal, gods of the old school Die by fucken Asphyx, ultra loud we slay Skinned alive you humbly beg for death the brutal way! Pouring molten mayhem, controllers of the saw A liquid iron overdose, we'll have it fucken raw Never shown respect for ya, spitting on your age Turn the spotlights on, unleash the monsters from their cage Feel the trembling earth, eating away your dignity Watch the blood pour out as you lose virginity We don't need no make-up, slugs from armored stacks Honest to the core as we make you bastards crack Merchants of brutality, death our only rule The doctrine of true metal, gods of the old school Die by fucken Asphyx, ultra loud we slay Skinned alive you humbly beg for death the brutal way! Hitting pandemonium, bring the sacrifice Swallowing this dish of steel, diving in dry ice Razorblades cut through your skull, painful as the pox We'll break the fucken speed of light, the afterlife will shock Order will be chaos, the watcher now will see Born for immortality, eternity will scream Pouring molten mayhem, controllers of the saw A liquid iron overdose, we'll have it fucken raw Merchants of brutality, death our only rule The doctrine of true metal, gods of the old school Die by fucken Asphyx, ultra loud we slay Skinned alive you humbly beg for death the brutal way!