Martha, why do you get so anxious? Why do you worry and fret? Deep is calling, evening is falling, It's the first love we soon forget, Martha, why do you toil and trouble? Martha, why are you busy all the time? Come draw near, the master is here, Have a taste of brand new wine, Have some brand new wine, yeah. Try, you try too hard, Now you're acting like an orphan child, You try, you try too hard, Come on over and rest awhile. Martha, why do you judge your sister? Martha, why do you steal her crown? All you need is at his feet, Martha, would you just sit down? Martha, please sit down. You try, you try too hard, Now you're acting like an orphan child, You try, you try too hard, Come on over and rest awhile. This day there's life to choose, This day there's life to lose, This is a day for some real good news, hey yeah. You try, you try too hard, Now you're acting like an orphan child, You try, you try too hard, Come on over and rest awhile, You try, you try too hard, Before you go the extra mile, You try, you try too hard, Come on over and rest awhile. Come on over, Come on over, Come on over, Hey, come on over, Come on over, Come on over.