Sadness of Stony Angel Utwór instrumentalny [ Do góry ] The Way of The Secret Rapture The blackness of the Night profund dyed with o colour of flower The flowers of love, desire and fulfillment... Why do they call my felling a sin?! Why do they call my sin infernal love ?! Love... another empty word, the brat of human mind. Those cannot love whose bodies are torn by jealous looks of slaves. The streams of blasphemous blood head towards divine eternity; Pitful howl of wolves in the silent Night... This is a name of love The blasphemous eternal beauty, My lonesome song, The essence of my life, The passionate truth sprinkled with cursed blood, my blood The blood of Fallen Angel. [ Do góry ] Mon Ange Somewhere... in time and out of time In love to hatred, in hatred to love I was born And I hung between heaven and earth, beetwen beauty and banality, beetwen enchantment and a culmination of life. My sisters - stars - endow heaven with beauty twinkling seducively with their horrified eyes; Yet they can't love so much & hate that much With one breath of solitary lust This one breath obscures their gleam so much unstable... And I rise over the peaks to extoll your beauty of virigin which with its grandeur sadden the prodigious angels... I hate all that lasts only a while. love... life... the shine of wretched stars. In a downpour of love at Your gate of passion I stand. You're my heart!!! A pearl in the Universe of stone... Love me forever !!! Every single moment I dream about our extasy... In the time... and out of time... In the time... and out of time... [ Do góry ] Love... Blood... & Eternity Passion... some secret force a scream or horro like a wild flower in a hoodwinked Devil's hand... The breath of wind chasing o being of original love, of original faith in the immortality of human soul and its infiteness. Passion... the last proof of the truth in the hand of an imprisoned man. Just only a while... the last breath... I've heard! The heavently moan groans with the echo of delighted hearts, the nocturnal suffering tornished with disappointed madmans blood Then there was only silence... ...and sadness of the stony faith pierced with the TREASON dagger and only the time did stop for a while, a little stupefied and dumbly ravished blew another candle...