A poison in my vein runs so cold Secreting Forthcoming helpless and depraved in shame Calling a vengeance Arise when suns down Controlled by rays grasping in While watching the shore disappear Anchoring chained piece by piece The end of this great fossil bearing alone This sea reflects self infliction Carving a sustained scar of what's left Taking me for this granted redemption Ending the fall - I am breathless Spun funneled and enclosed Weathered away Raising the dead I am breathless Blinded by signs Pleading the freedom from this life To turn back now wouldn't change the chance Leading to the infection Guilt surrounds earth The seas run dry A drought in time Spreading unease we must create a disease I feel the chance to leave Changing belief My savior has broken This has lead us away Arise when suns down Controlled by rays grasping in I'm watching the shore dissappear