Art Far Away

Your Back Is Gently Breaking

Art Far Away

And at the end of fear, oblivion
The heart stops beating, as blood fills up your body

Your broken back is gently healing from the soft pavement
The fingers that were once embedded deeply in the concrete are now moving freely
The skin tightens softly around the body that once was lost but now is found
Your face slowly reassembles with such beauty

Shattered pieces are realigned with such precision
Your once empty lungs are now filled with air
The calm feeling is turned into panic as you fall towards the sun
You are standing all alone in this world where you have never felt at home

Your breathing is starting to slow down, as wind leaves your face
Hopelessness is retracting from this mind where death was frightening
Sadness is turned into anger, as anger falls into denial
Your screams for help are silenced as they return to the weakened lungs of your body

The skin closes, while the knife descends into blackness
Frustration turns into joy. As abandonment turns into safety
You feel joy for the last time
Hidden safely inside your mother. You rest

Your thoughts were sent into oblivion, from this mind where death
Was frightening

Your back is gently breaking, Your back is gently breaking
Please come back
Please come back
Please come back