Army Of Lovers

Signed On My Tatoo

Army Of Lovers

It’s a wicked game
You’re my deadly drama
Even if I conquer outer space 
You’ll return the karma
Every episode it’s another sequel
Since you got me wrapped around your hand
Can I be your equal?

Like thief in the night
My partner in crime
You make me break all my tabus
You’re a Merry-Go-Round
A Sisyphean climb
Like when you signed your name on
Signed on my tattoo

Déjà vu, déjà vu
Déjà vu, déjà vu

Have you read the news?
Did you hear the gossip?
Every page I turn I see your face
For no buy or part see

Like thief in the night
My partner in crime
You make me break all my tabus
You’re a Merry-Go-Round
A Sisyphean climb
Like when you signed your name on
Signed on my tattoo

Déjà vu, déjà vu
Déjà vu, déjà vu

A prenons le derige
Mon frere, la soeur
Nuit c’est jour, jour c’est nuit
Fait toujour, la mortalite est finie
Le canibalism de l’amour 
Entre frere et soeur
Est l’ultime tabu
Le tatouage absolut
Votre souris c’est ma peau
La grand tounell de la meme
Dit Narcisse

It’s a wicked game
You’re my deadly drama
Even if I conquer outer space 
You’ll return the karma
Every episode it’s another sequel
Since you got me wrapped around your hand
Can I be your equal?

Like thief in the night
My partner in crime
You make me break all my tabus
You’re a Merry-Go-Round
A Sisyphean climb
Like when you signed your name on
Signed on my tattoo

Déjà vu, déjà vu
Déjà vu, déjà vu