Armor Of God

The Rage Of The Angels

Armor Of God

It was the 13^th hour
The winter wind would chase away
It was the ground that shock
To take away the sick insanity

Out of the western sky with might
You see the sword in his hand
No one can stop it now
Here justice will be served

Listen as the prophet said
Time has revealed what was read

The Rage of the angels
Repent from your sins
The nighttime is coming
You better believe

The moon has turned to blood
The stars have fallen from the sky
And you can see the oceans
Rising up to desperate cries

But everything’s not lost
The secret’s been revealed my friend
Two thousand years ago
The holy words were said

By what the Messiah said
Fulfilling words are today

The Rage of the angels
Repent from your sins
The nighttime is coming
You better believe

Obeying high orders
From the highest priest
The rage of the angels
You better believe