Acidic, blood rains like a monsoon Run with it, let the current take you We are phantoms innate, not one with a conscious I'll continue to hate, and repeat the cycle Faith of fortune, come and spin the wheel Have the guts to define, this ultimate design Contagious, spreading seeds of disaster It's so pathetic. Is this all that you stand for? I am trying to say what most are afraid of Live life submissively with faith and blindly Hope there is something better after this Faith of fortune, come and spin the wheel Have the guts to define, this ultimate design Faith of fortune, come and spin the wheel Have the balls to define, God's ultimate design The hands that help are far better than the lips that prey Nothing could be more idiotic or absurd that this So get up! Seek the weak Gain there trust Falsify Lead the way Anyone disagrees Grab a gun Start a war Join me or die Acidic, blood rains like a monsoon Run with it, let the current take you We are phantoms innate, not one with a conscious I'll continue to hate, and repeat the cycle Faith of fortune, come and spin the wheel Have the guts to define, this ultimate design Contagious, spreading seeds of disaster It's so pathetic. Is this all that you stand for? I am trying to say what most are afraid of Live life submissively with faith and blindly Hope there is something better after this Faith of fortune, come and spin the wheel Have the guts to define, this ultimate design Come and join me, mutiny fills the air Be the one who will die With a fist and a battle cry