Floating on afflictedway, a sorrow grift inborn the gelid air provides a void and obliterate my thoughts a silence whispering envolve my ens transmuting the stone of life ( CHORUS ) Deathscent, transmuting the winds of haze reborn, revive the matter of sun itself soulhaze of................. .....interdeterioration, thy nature of the everything I will transport the worse, into abismal roads my last breath I felt.....now the moon is gone I run through the blesmished scene degrading all inner disease waiting for the ether´s downfall evanesae all earthly sin ET ANIMA EIUS IN IGNE MORATUR........ ......aggrived sublimity, the nectar of tragedy distressing fatality, astral nebulosity withering mortality, exhilarant emptyness!!!! Repeat ( CHORUS ) I pleasant my virtue to observe the reign of this beautiful infraprosperity EST HOMINIS AD MONADIS, SIMPLICITATEM REDUCTI AD LAPIDIS NOSTRI...CUM MACROCOSMO...FERMENTATIO