"Hope is all I have!" He called out over his shoulder To noone at all Lost in the wind went the word, Never heard by the one Over and on He sang to the silence at night An answer would never come (He hoped for… longed) Till caught on the wind came the word A whisper, the wilful: "Come home" Over and gone, She waited (He would travel far to find her, Finally she breathed her answe) Over and gone A promise kept is all that's left Nothing changes Over and on, over and gone, she over and on over and gone He sang his own funeral pyre, Eyes lost in the last breath of fire Caught in spider-web family ties, Lost in dreams of a child with her eyes Over and gone, She waited (He would travel far to find her, Finally she breathed her answer) Come to me, my softest memory. My sweetest mistake. Eyes open… please wait Don't fade Wait for me A promise kept is all that's left, so by the window she waits, singing