April (Freestyle)


April (Freestyle)

Looking back on all the laughter
The joy and pain we shared
Through it all you always told me
How much you really cared

I know someday you will see
I love you I need you
I knew some way you will be

Forever love you and me
Forever hearts we will beat
Foreverlasting love

There’s got to be a reason
Why we never apart
I heard the love we share a special
Feeling in the heart

Now I believe it is true
You told me, you showed me
Now I believe me in you

Forever love you and me
Forever hearts we will beat
Foreverlasting love

Love, I’ll never let you go
Oh, like the Sun in the sky
It’s true you and I will be

Forever love you and me
Forever hearts we will beat
Foreverlasting love
I need you by my side