Infernal regions filled with souls, No hope of resurrection. Well kept in this dark surrounding, Left to cruel subjection. But the King of Glory, spreading light, draws near To give salvation and to dispel all fear. He came to release and save Those lost and burning souls that crave... him! The Prince of Death and his Prince of Hell Exercise their godless might. In a permanent state, state of darkness All their pieces of mankind. The Lords of Hell commence to quarrel On Satan's sentence, sentence of death. Their sombre impious, impious dominion, Subjection lies ahead. The bringer of light approaches them, Trampling on the Prince of Hell. Sets him under the reign of Death And leaves the Princes to themselves. - to themselves. Infernal regions filled with souls, No hope of resurrection. Well kept in this dark surrounding, Left to cruel subjection. Note: [From: The Apocryphal Books: Nicodemus, Chapters 16, 17 and 18]