
Opposing the Pityfilth


Begin the eradication 
Of the bacterial infestation 
A frontline batterial assault 
To crush the parasite 
Forthcoming is the order to 
Install a just resolve 
Bring resurgence to the balance 
With the iron fist of old 
For it holds the force worthy to drink 
Of the blood drawn 
From the stone of war 

Unorthodox divisions 
Swarm infected authorative figured 
Remove those of status 
Functionless mass on their knees 
Iconoclastic incineration 
Of the meek and asinine 
A dynamistic regime 
To silence apathetic nescience 

With stealth and with glory 

We demand confirmation of your downfall 
Your nihilistic infidelity 
To the gift of life defines your cause 
Of unfaltering complacence 
Devoid of honour, of truth, of heart, of life 

We would be the scourge of your earth 
Heirarchy of the new world to be born 

Come join the burial 
Of all that is dogmatic 
A re-assessment of principles 
To revitalize the spirit 
The creation of a new child 
A living effigy of scorn 
We the scourge of your earth 
Heirarchy of the new world to be born 

We would be the scourge of your earth 
Opposing the pityfilth to incite the rebirth