AO Worship

Halle Halle

AO Worship

Alza las manos al cielo
Y grita que Dios es bueno
Alza las manos al cielo
Y grita que Dios es bueno

I've got a reason to shout I've got a reason to sing
I'm alive in you and your alive in me
I've got a reason to dance
I've got a reason to leap
I'm alive in you and your alive in me

So we sing

Halle, halle, halle Hallelujah
Halle, halle, halle Hallelujah
Halle, halle, halle Hallelujah
You have been so good to mi

I was lost but now am found
I was blind but now I see
I'm alive in you and your alive in me
I was weak but now I'm strong
I was bound but now I'm free
I'm alive in you and your alive in me

So we sing

Halle, halle, halle Hallelujah
Halle, halle, halle Hallelujah
Halle, halle, halle Hallelujah
You have been so good to mi

Señor eres fiel, siempre fiel
Señor eres fiel, eres fiel a mí

You are so good all of the time
And all of the time you are good to me

Halle, halle, halle Hallelujah
Halle, halle, halle Hallelujah
Halle, halle, halle Hallelujah
You have been so good to mi