The marble cathedral keeps his pale face in beauty and decay he came and bought a grave among the eternal - come away lies as if in clear water sleep he lay haste while it's the blue italian day. Oatch his soul burnin through nights of time smile like a infant smiles to the dead and a light along the grass is spread watch his soul burnin through nights of time. Oh, weep for Adonis the quick dreamer the passion-winged minister of thoughts

Which were his flock, which at the living stream
Of his young spirit he fed and he taught.
The love which was his music stopped - not kindling wise his brain
But drooped thoughts when they coursed and mourned a lot.
Round his cold heart, where after their sweet pain
They never gather strenght or find a home again

And other came - desires and adorations
Winged persuasions and veiled desperations,
Splendour of gloom and glimmering incarnations
Of hope and fear and twilight sensations.
They came in rust and silver - the parade might seem like
Pageantry of mist on na autumnal stream.

My head was bound with fantasies overblown
A light spear topped with a cypress cone
The faint flock of my youth the dew all changed
To tears to sighing truth
Lost echoes sit amid the impassible thought
Feelings were wild and set them at nought
The faint flock of my youth the dew all changed
To tears to sighing truth

Such were the struggles of that gloomy hour
When i ordered the poison death-cold power.
Quenched its caress upon my icy lips
And moolinght vapour which the cold nights clips
Its flushed through my pale limbs and passed to its eclipse

While down the pathway to his homeland pain
He met with smiling gestures the pensive train.
The thoughts of Adonis once were delights
Now sending feelings in my open mind.
The one remains with many change and pass
Life like a dome of many-coloured glass
Beyond all words, beyond its spacious fantasy
Is fire for which all thirst
Now look - how it beams on me

You whose sail not to the tempest exposed
Your mast will break just like a barren bow.
Remeber Adonis - now he's dead
And feel the things which fill your head
The massy earth and sphered skies are riven
Whilst burning throught the inmost veil of heaven
The soul of Adonis, like a star
Beacons from the abode where the eternals are