I don’t mind if You pray, believe or desire To find a savior, or to have Your reserved place in heaven Or if you have any messiahs Being Jesus, allah Or no matter what My contact with God Happens only with a Deep dive in my inner-self A supreme power of spirit from cosmic nature Mysticism, I lose myself from what I am And become something bigger, bigger But I don’t mind! But I don’t mind! A vida é triste, melancólica e solene Desaparecemos tão rápido E inexplicavelmente quanto surgimos A vida é uma sombra errante um pobre comediante No breve instante que lhe reserva a cena Para depois não ser mais ouvido É um conto de fadas Que nada significa, narrado por um idiota cheio de voz! E fúria, a brevidade da vida, tudo acaba But I don’t mind, about nothing Cuz I won’t give up about my impartiality Accepting as truth, only something I can taste By my feelings or by my reason Skeptical I am About your lord’s impositions No matter who he is I don’t believe I feel nothing No fervor, no anger (ânguer) My way to meet the mystery, is my own Soul, only there I face the unpredictable of life, of the universe Everything is a part of the mystery, it isn’t something to believe Understand the supreme, as you want/wish