In the bygone history of the past An uneasy truce, existed in Spain Between the romans and the carthaginians Two eminent powers, one will remain. Hannibal the, carthaginian leader Laid a successful, eight-month siege Beginning the, second punic war For all who died in battle is this dirge. Summus fuit imperator et mari et terra. Two roman legions landed at Emperion But Hannibal, had already left Iberia With a heavy army he crossed the Alps And won the battle, at Trebia. Rome was now, on the brink of collapse Winter of CCXVI B. C. One of the most disputed military regions Regrouped and faced, their enemy. Summus fuit imperator et mari et terra. Behind Carthage walls Women and children would live in fear Resolute against their fate The enemy was so near. Fell a tremendous rain A bad omen sent by the gods This people were comdemned From Italy came an evil horde. All the merciless legions shall attack!!! The roman general Scipio Aemilianus Was sent to win this war, once and for all He encircled the city with a series, of blockades A few months enough, to see it fall. The carthaginians with famine and disease Held out for nine months but there was no place to hide Rather than surrender they burned the city to flames And threw themselves, onto a mass suicide. Summus fuit imperator et mari et terra.