Transcending the black forest Step by step Following the dark instructions Of arquel I stray in these green quicksands Quench my bunger With some savage pigs As sylvester sprites Run around me They toy with me and say i will never leave I captured one to Stop this masquerade The begged for mercy Cried its people's guilt And their doomed fate Caused by a lion-snake Help us seek and Kill this bad omen Still unlock The doors of the exit Started my hunt my bow In my left hand Never been confronted To such a monster As i saw this endless body Twirling round a trunk Wounded bleeding beast Steeing and surrounded And trapped As i draw the bow but it shifts Shift blurred shape The angel is hiding the snake Pure grey lamb Possessed by a lion Consenting puppet I'm sorry amryl i'm doomed And the sprites have to pay for Me, it's my burden. But drink, Drink and rest, my mirror is yours, My house, me, and you're mine Oh mother Forgive my soul my departure The tears on your cheeks But my only guide Is my instinct now I cannot even try to flee Endless dream Madness cries its scream Unknown frontier Pleasure or pain and tears Wet by shame Used for an inversed tape Surrealist scene, Will i ever wake up Shift blurred shape The angel is hiding the snake Pure grey lamb Doomed mirror's mine Blood will open the gates