Tom: G transcribed by: Russ Elton (*) Date last modified: 03/23/02 FIND THE MOST UPDATED VERSION OF THIS SONG AT: Spreading The Disease: http://* PLEASE DO NOT COPY THIS TAB TO ANOTHER SITE WITHOUT AUTHORS' PERMISSION. THANK YOU Tuning: Standard Riff 1 NOTE: I'm not sure what they're doing to get this riff, but I play it by sliding up the range of diads shown here, picking constantly throughout with palm muting. e|--------------------| B|--------------------| G|--------------------| D|-2-/-/-/-12-\-\-\-2-| Play 2x A|-2-/-/-/-12-\-\-\-2-| E|--------------------| Riff 2 e|---------------------------| B|---------------------------| G|---------------------------| D|-----9--9-7------12--12-11-| A|-----7--7-5------10--10--9-| E|-0-0---------0-0-----------| * * * * e|---------------------------| B|---------------------------| G|---------------------------| D|-----9--9-7----------------| A|-----7--7-5----10-9-7------| E|-0-0---------0--8-7-5--8-7-| * * * Riff 3 (Solo Rhythm) x2 e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-----------------| D|-2----7----5---2-| A|-0----5----3-5-0-| E|-------------3---| x2 e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-----------------| D|-4----9----7---4-| A|-2----7----5-7-2-| E|-------------5---| Riff 4 Guitar 1 x2 e|--------------------------------| B|--------------------------------| G|--------------------------------| D|------2----4-------------2----4-| A|-5----0----2--------5----0----2-| E|-3------------------3-----------| Guitar 2 (last time, only play first bar) e|---------------------------------------| B|-12~--12-14-14b15-14~--14-15-15b17-15~-| G|---------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------| e|-------------------------| B|-15-15-14----12----------| G|----------14----14-12-14-| D|-------------------------| A|-------------------------| E|-------------------------| Guitar 3 (last time, only play first bar) e|---------------------------------------| B|---------------------------------------| G|-12~--12-14-14b15-14~--14-16-16b17-16~-| D|---------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------| e|-------------------------| B|-------------------------| G|-16-16-14----------------| D|----------16-17-16-14-16-| A|-------------------------| E|-------------------------| Play Riff 2 Riff 5 x3 e|--------------------------------| B|--------------------------------| G|-----------------------14-12-14-| D|-7--5--4---------------14-12-14-| A|-5--3--2------7-5-7-------------| E|----------3~--5-3-5-------------| e|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|---------------------| D|-7--5--4-------------| A|-5--3--2------7-5-7--| E|----------3~--5-3-5--| Play Riff 2 Song fades out with Riff 2 Notation: 10b12 = pick the 10th fret, then bend to the 12th fret. 10b12r10 = pick the 10th fret, then bend to the 12th fret, then release to the 10th fret. [10]12r10 = bend to the 12th fret from the 10th fret, pick, then release to the 10th fret. 10b12 [14] = pick the 14th fret while holding the previous bend. 10b15* = tremolo bar bend, from the 10th fret to the 15th fret. 7d2* = tremolo bar dive, from the 7th fret to the 2nd fret. 12~* = tremolo bar vibrato. x = mute with fret-hand * = palm mute X\\ = pick slide h = hammer-on p = pull-off ~ = vibrato t = finger tap / = slide up \ = slide down h = natural harmonics a = artificial harmonics (9) = ghost note tm = trem picking tr = trill