Before you jump Look inside yourself See the lines of life You’re about to abandon Don’t look back It will hurt Eliminate your past Life is waiting, let me in before you… Run away Look deep down Analyze yourself And there you’ll find me Destiny embraces you as if it were me And me in silence always close to you ‘cause i’m not able to tell you the truth I love you in silence, i love you in silence You must wish And it will be One more minute And the rain will cleanse All corners of heart Where we used to Hide from the world You and i alone Don’t close the door I’ll be left out Enable to save you And all become to end Destiny embraces you as if it were me And me in silence always close to you ‘cause i’m not able to tell you the truth I love you in silence, i love you in silence You will the find the key Don’t doubt your strength I will be watching In case you stumble To lift you, to care for you, To make your dreams come true You know how to succeed