We are the dominant species Roaming the earth United by a common will to survive Bound by a moral law we share Bound by a common fear of the unknown We can advance our populace Beyond its infancy Driven by devotion to our bordered empathy The gathering of technologies And reaping of the land Only affirm the fact that we are the alpha beings We gather up all worldly belief systems (one unified religion) And advocate for the combination (of all education) To keep the order and the direction (they’ll learn obedience) Millions of individuals willing to die (for the collective) I know it’s hard to coexist When just a moment ago It was a fight for survival We’ve invented so many of these perceptions And yet forgot who sets the standard We can advance our populace Beyond its infancy Driven by devotion to our bordered empathy The gathering of technologies And reaping of the land Only affirm the fact that we are the alpha beings (If this is a dream, then how can I be awake) Bound by a moral law we share Bound by a common fear of the unknown Now we command the oceans The waves and winds propel our vessel's sails No harsh terrain or temperature Can keep us from our grand inheritance