Conall's second tale described An encounter with a giant After falling into a cleft The giant had lost the use of one eye And the hero claimed to be a healer but His true goal was to blind the monster To bide his time and save his life The giant cursed and roared in rage When tricked out of his remaining sight Promising to boil the warrior alive After darkness came The giant began to doze Giving conall time to climb Out of the hole Goats were pinned at the top of the cliff And the champion devised a plan He slaughtered the buck and Quickly donned its skin The bleating of the goats Awakened the giant who realized Conall had entered the pen But being blind, the giant felt Only the buck's skin As the hero crawled away 'You have bested me boy Victory is yours Take my ring as your prize!' Conall was flushed with pride And placed the fine silver ring Upon his smallest finger Once placed, try as he may The ring would not be removed The giant roared, 'Where are you ring?' And the ring spoke aloud, 'Here am I!' Running toward the sound of the ring The giant sought his meal Conall thought quickly Removed his knife, Severed the finger with the ring, And tossed the ring over the cliff. The giant went running after His screams trailing behind You see my king That adventure was surely more dire Than the loss of my sons The tale was considered, And another one of the sons was released