Angels Fall

Immortal Glory

Angels Fall

The moutain of north shall erupt of flames In the valley falcons still fly The lake is full of Dragons' fight Children of the blackness reborn every night Elves and dwarfs fight in the woods and their swords shine of bloods. 
In my reign fantasy is real I'm king in the land of no return I have no fear of man or beast I've got no pain in killing you I want my enemy's head on a silver plate Warriors in arms, Brothers in arms ... Immortal Glory Warriors in arms, Brothers in arms ... Immortal Glory Immortal Glory of my Kingdom's story I fight for my reign, because I'm the King, I'm the King. In this Land where heroes live I'm the king of all heroes I have a dream in my future I crow my warriors I invoke almighty God to award with the Glory and Gold. ... Immortal Glory Warriors in arms, Brothers in arms ... Immortal Glory Immortal Glory of my Kingdom's story I fight for my reign, because I'm the King, I'm the King.