Angels And Agony


Angels And Agony

we read books on how to live 
and how to ease our mind 
we learn to meditate 
to find silence in our hearts. 

we climb mountains to find peace 
lectures for inner truth 
preachers who all know 
how to fool our soul 

I'm calling out to you 
to liberate your dreams 
to break the ties that bind you 
and to eliminate your fears 

how hard as it may seem 
try never to let go 
of the visions that we have 
for they will be our stronghold 
to which we will return 

millennia have gone by 
and prayers seemed in vain 
what we couldn't see 
was constructed in our mind 

we seek solutions but no cure 
questions to our answers 
dream the highest dream of you 
and try to realize