Angel Dissection

When the Dead Have Exhausted Their Powers of Deceiving

Angel Dissection

lost beneath the tides of grace 
a cosmic soul crushed death embrace 
that launches towards the stars a curse 
to enslave mankind or maybe worse 
this charades gone far too long 
the dead should stay where they belong 
they whisper things into our minds 

so we'll regurgitate and spread thier lies 
they've driven men to mental scars 
with a transcendant power to deceive 
their plan was wrought beyond the stars 
a sanguine plan we can't conceive 
like ghostly fingers dipped in blood 
i've seen their horrid act complete 
it surely means the end of us 
it renders life obsolete 
i know that we won't survive 
i know now we all must die 
we will fuel their machine 
i've seen their plan 
and it leaves this world dead 
when the sun sets for the final time 
and the world slips into dismal night 
will you succumb to the dead 
will you acknowledge them then 
no one left behind to cry 
to pray or mourn at your graveside 
this suffering won't end 
even with this world dead 
lost among their lies of grace 
the necrogenesis of earth's new face 
these thinking dead await their task 
like a corpse behind a porcelein mask 
the earth will soon become a tomb 
like fetus's in the earthen womb 
the tides of death the plan at hand 
will come to life possessing man 
yet the force beyond the grave 
is weaker than we ever thought 
funny how the dead behave 
knowing their perfect plan is not 
and in spite of this i must confess 
that now i see their brilliance 
and their absence troubles me more than ever 
but never did their presence