Andy Griffith

Flop Eared Mule

Andy Griffith

Use to have an old Banjo,
It was all strung up with twine,
And the only song you could hear me sing was, 
I wish that gal was mine. 
Well, I wish that gal was mine, boys.
I wish that gal was mine,
And the only song you could hear me sing,
Was I wish that gal was mine. 

Whoa mule, you kicking mule, 
Whoa mule, I say,
I ain't got time to kiss you now, 
My mule has run away. 

Took my wife to the barn yard,
And I sit her down to supper,
Well, she got choked on a turkey leg,
And stuck her nose in the butter. 

Stuck her nose in the butter,
Stuck her nose in the butter,
Well, she got choked on a turkey leg,
And stuck her nose in the butter. 

Whoa mule, you kicking mule, 
Whoa mule, I say,
Tie a knot in that old mules tail, 
Before he runs away. 

Your face is like a coffee pot,
Your nose is like a spout,
Your mouth is like a fireplace,
With all the ashes out. 

Well, With all the ashes out, boys,
With all the ashes out,
Your mouth is like a fireplace,
With all the ashes out. 

Whoa mule, you kicking mule, 
Whoa mule, I say,
I ain't got time to kiss you now, 
My mule has run away.