American High Five

The Rescue

American High Five

I wish we could back
to the beginning
cause there's something missing from your eyes.
We lost a lifetime
when I disappeared,
now I am coming back to you.

I wish I could fly, I know I can save us somehow.
You thought you were safe and sound but you need a hero now.
You gotta believe even with broken wings,
I've come to your rescue and you can't rescue me.

Summer's the season
but you're cold and freezing,
if there's a reason it's a lie.
When did I loose you,
I need you to pull through,
the weight of the world never felt so alive. 

I wish I could fly, I know I can save us somehow.
You thought you were safe and sound but you need a hero now.
You gotta believe even with broken wings,
I've come to your rescue and you can't rescue me.

I wish I could fly.. I know I can save us somehow..
You thought you were safe and sound but you need a hero now..
You gotta believe even with broken wings...

I wish I could fly, I know I can save us somehow.
You thought you were safe and sound but you need a hero now.
You gotta believe even with broken wings,
I've come to your rescue and you can't rescue me.

I've come to your rescue and you can't rescue me.
I've come to your rescue and you can't rescue me.

Eu desejo que nos voltemos
Para o começo
Por que tem alguma coisa faltando em seus olhos
Nós perdemos a vida
Quando eu desapareci 
Agora eu estou voltando para você. 

Eu desejo voar, eu sei que posso salvar a nós!
Você pensou que estava segura, mais agora você precisa
de um héroi.Você continnua a acreditar mesmo com as asas quebradas

Eu vim te salvar mais vocÊ não pôde me salvar!

É s estação do verão
Mais você continua fria e se congelando! 
Se isso for uma razão isso é uma mentira!
Quando eu te perdi
Eu tentei te trazer de volta 
Mais o peso do mundo nunca esteve tão vivo!
[refrão x2]

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