[Amandine] We begin with geometry. Zeno's paradox In ancient greece, the philosopher zeno posited that no two objects could ever touch [Young amélie] Some girls have classrooms where lessons are taught But a kitchen and fish bowl are all that we've got If you'll be my first mate then I'll be your chum And I'll buy you a castle and brand new aquarium! World's best friends! You and I Now you say it! [Fluffy] World's best friends! You and I [Young amélie] Now together! [Young amélie & fluffy] World's best friends! [Amandine] Amélie! Pay attention! Zeno's paradox To reach a point one must always reach a halfway point And from there the next halfway point There will always be another half way point [Fluffy] Listen to your crazy mom! Droning on Look at me now I'm her: Blah blah blah blah blah! This is no sorbonne, where you should be There's that twitch every time she blinks Or she thinks as her lesson sinks in like a shipwreck for you and me! [Amandine] Two objects can never meet [Fluffy & young amélie] Listen to your crazy mom! Droning on Blah blah blah blah! Over and over I'm glad there's someone else who can see [Fluffy] Your parents are crazy [Fluffy & young amélie] But you can count on me! [Amandine] Amélie, did you hear me? Give me that bowl! [Amélie] Fluffy! [Amandine] Give me the bowl. Give me the bowl [Fluffy] Nooooo [Raphael] The fish has to go! [Amélie] You never got your plastic castle But fluffy you've been granted a parole You're not being sold on the river You're getting the world's biggest bowl And any time that you get lonely Just take a little look up from below When you see stones skip the surface That's me saying hello [Fluffy] Bye Bye Bye Goodbye [Fluffy & young amélie] Goodbye