CHORUS: Genius is in the mistakes The rules do not apply Maybe the wrong time and place Listen to the voice inside Hey -- just 'cause he ain't tall So I met him at the mall Doesn't mean that I should write him off It's just a circumstance So what if he can't dance? His heart is kind and those big hands are soft He speaks a language that can change what I believe Genius is in the mistakes The rules do not apply Maybe the wrong time and place To the naked eye To the conscious mind Shouldn't be denied Listen to the voice inside So -- My friends don't think he's cool He like Coltrane, I like Tool He wears leather patches on his tweed Yeah -- But i know that he's deep The company I keep May not be the company I need To pay attention This is Serendipity CHORUS Genuis -- He's a genuis Every big decision is a trial by fire Wisdom aquired Ooh baby, my heart aspires to genius CHORUS X2