Shadeless motes of orphan lights Refrain to the spurned by the setting of a dying Sun Linger as a wisp in the chest The Dynasty of Shadows fated to never reign We are the abyssal children We should not deny the Nature Our very existence This Gown sewn in our skin Will be burned away with fire of pure knowledge We hail the first to sin And the crooked lines which misled belief The darkness is a mantle For the wretched to find succor These words ring true out of the blue We shouldn't serve instead of rule Saints enamored of a Pregnant Dark Once misled they've gone to die Serving to their own desire Saints that wished to die Our duty is to finish what they couldn't start Clockwise their souls are inlaid Glutton voids imprint in the circle Imprint of divinity shedding to immobility As the gates are made open wide Now witness the cracking of the sky! The Moon plummets into the seas! Raging tides rape the shores! Mother is untethered as landscapes burn! Highly sung heroes hark! As I writhe unseen Neither king nor lowborn will stand up to me When spurned from the stars I found rest in here I will now be your all-powerful deity! I will build me a throne in the top of this world Where I once stood over all my children I penetrate these slits as I crush the mountains Dancing over the corpses of your puny gods! Raping, stripping, all for our lady Blood evaporating, making things shady The darkness' hand, hovering over our heads The smell of entrails, filling the air Take that corpse, and bring it to me Let me relieve my own depravity Shadeless motes of phantom lights Refrain to the spurned by the coming of the Shattered Moon Linger as a blight in the skin Of the harrowing church that abhor our sin! We are the abyssal children We have forgotten the nature of our very existence These nails thrust in our flesh Will be crushed with the towering might of our goddess Fleeting hopes of hollow lives Drained quite exquisitely to bow submissively In lighted pools of murky blood that flows From the severed head of an aghast priest For we to revel in the absence of light The imminent arrival of the Horrid Spawn The five-pointed stars zenith at last The ritual done now let us pray Our nurturing mother adrift in the sky Thy name unsaid thy wings enflamed Let me be thy vessel O knowing one! Let me be the hand that weaves thy wish And slaves the thralls that prowl your fields So that the seeds of thy return are sown So that the bleed of thy kin be sipped Enthroned we'll master this earth Our dark line remains unscathed The true heirs of this domain Second below Mother our wills reign supreme! We were cut off of this knowledge, now we reappear So, preach for the ultimate sin!