This winters cold now begins its journey to the obsolete the sputtered last breaths of aeons chained bound in the burdens and suffocating ashes a dying earth bellowed moans the screams of the ancients become their cries faded within The hollowed oak shells the scent of rotting death looms thick in the air not one soul beckons their plea the cleansing of the lesser Insects the final stand of the death bringer awaits Upon the horizon impending judgement for the entire human species black death in her veins her heart hardened to stone Purge and renew is her creed rewritten her dignity ravaged through time this inception of the flesh made destroyer has set these patterns of disgrace and disgust This winters cold now begins its journey to the obsolete Her breath that once gave life now takes life away with the last whispered sigh of the dying slipping away We rise to the reigns of our masters grabbing the whip lash at the flesh of the beast behead saviors diseased Thousands will scream atrocity millions will bleed dying in agony fathom the horrors at last the nightmares I cast But those cast out will rise to the skies of tomorrow and leave behind the weak in their sorrow Thousands will scream atrocity millions will bleed dying in agony fathom the horrors at last the nightmares I cast thousands will scream millions will bleed fathom the horrors at last the nightmares I cast