Altar Of Perversion

Necromantia Sexualis

Altar Of Perversion

Unconsciously and three times I entered the path
Leading to the veil, beyond
Which lustful eyes invite me to die
Fear the veil, cross the veil

I grazed it
A furtive embrace with her one
Then licking the veil

Still keeping her virgin
(Oh her lustful eyes)
Yet not me alive

As I torn the first veil
Keeper of her throne
And the portal of Lilith
I opened in her

Third Death, initiaton

My three demon corpses lay on her bed
Strong feeling of Power after being dead
Small humanity I left behind
Calm conptempt for their futility
I am beyond... Hail toy my dead

By lust, my three dead souls I call forth
They wickedly hint at the misteries of dead and beyond
Yet all they shall not speak
Inducing obsessions of Death

I feel your desire, oh my dark goddess
And I will soon lacerate your last veil
To forever wander mad into the abyss
Prepare the schythe my beloved